– Hello, we’re GoodBuy 👋
We want to keep your crews busy.
We partner with reputable, proven redevelopers by delivering consistent, high-value investment opportunities that keep your crews busy and our neighborhoods revitalized.

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Join over 200+ tech companies already using UiCore:

Increase company revenue up to 65%
With intuitive features and a user-friendly interface, our software is designed to make your daily workflow more efficient and effective.
- Close more deals with single-page contact management
- Enjoy one-click calling, call scripts and voicemail automation
- Track stages and milestones of your deals to keep the sales

Our Markets
We seek out the potential in overlooked properties and work tirelessly to transform them into vibrant homes.
By helping sellers solve problems, we find future value for our neighborhoods.
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Our Underwriting
We won’t waste your time, and we don’t want you to waste ours, either. It’s the least we can offer, so here’s where we’re laser-focused.
Give us a shot & let's get renovating.
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